Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The beginning of a journey

It's simple really. No big plan or Oprah-style 'ah-ha' moment. I am at that point in my life, yes that self-reflective and introspective stage that everyone older than us said we'd reach, where I'm re-evaluating my life and looking to make some changes. I'm reading much more, praying much more (my grandmother would be so proud), and I'm asking myself the tough questions and finally being okay with the fact that I definitely don't have all the answers.

What makes me happy? Is happiness a journey or a state of being? Is it truly ever attainable, or is it like the perfect butt: only achieved with Spanx, a glass of champagne, and tons of sweat? In trying to discover this for myself, I do what I frequently do: deflect. As opposed to asking myself this question and publishing my mental rants, I'm turning the mirror on others. So this blog is about me, in a sense, but it's more about others. What makes YOU happy?

Im a journalist by trade, and (gasp!) I'm totally over the high of interviewing celebrities. But I still love interviewing. I love crafting questons and talking to people and hearing their voices and their opinions and, most importantly, their stories. So just for this blog, I'm setting aside grammar, punctuation, diction, and the god-awful AP style guide, and I'm just writing. I'm interviewing random people that I encounter and asking them one question, "What makes you happy?" I'll record their responses, take their pictures, transcribe our conversation, and post it all here. While some folks will undoubtedly reveal that pizza and great sex make them happy (a slice of pepperoni sure does get me Randy), I also hope to get really unique and insightful responses about the various meanings and sources of happiness.

A smidgen of my bias and my own journey of self discovery will surely end up on the screen that you're reading, but I'll reserve my judgments for my own hot-ghetto-mess of a life. Ask my therapist, I've mastered the art of being hard on myself. As for those I interview, it's really about their honest stories and exactly what they say.

So let the voyeur in you take hold, read what others post and give me your feed back about what makes you happy at any given moment or in life as a whole. I'm doing a bit of globe-hopping, so to those of you who think that you'll be able to read this blog and find out all of the dirt on my friends, Pump Your Breaks! The stories on this blog will be from everyone from a barista to an eco-tourist to the around-the-way-girl and the working man.

Here we go....
